I learned about the clean eating lifestyle!

My journey to health and wellness lead me to The Institute for Integrative Nutrition were I became a Certified Health Coach. I learned how food effects our bodies, our hormones, and self-care is good for us and not selfish. 

As I studied the curriculum many things began to make sense to me as to why I couldn’t lose weight and why my hormones were off. I ditched the diet mentality and began my journey to clean eating and a healthier, happier, and balanced lifestyle! 

I also found that avoiding toxins in our food and skin care products can make you look and feel younger.  What women doesn't want that! I know I sure do! 

My passion is helping women find beauty inside and out! Women who are tired of being tired. Women who want to regain their energy, get off sugar, learn to cook healthy meals that taste good, and get healthy glowing skin. 

I believe that food is often the best medicine, and that most of today's health issues are caused by the modern lifestyle.

One of my favorite quotes is by Hippocrates "Let food be thy medicine".

My philosophy to living a healthier happier lifestyle is eating well 90% of the time, and enjoying the other 10%! 

Nobody wants to deprive themselves when it comes to the food they eat. I believe you can enjoy eating a burger and fries, a slice of pizza or cake (my favorite is red velvet!) (Not all at once or all the time) and still live a healthy lifestyle.

Other habits that are important to the clean eating lifestyle are exercising, praying/meditating, forgiving, laughing, finding ways to relieve stress, renewing your mindset, and removing toxins from your food and skin/body care products.  

I teach my clients how to make changes in their food choices and lifestyle that create a compounding positive effect on their well-being.

I truly believe if you change the way you eat and think you can change your life!

Are you ready to change your life?


Copyright Mathilda Reid